Online Registration procedure for ITT, Orientation and GMCS-1, GMCS-2 :
Online Registration Portal for GMCS, ITT and Orientation Programme on All India Basis.
Board of Studies and IT Directorate has developed an Online Registration Portal for GMCS, ITT and Orientation Programme on all India Basis for Registration/allocation of batches for all Programmes to facilitate the students to register from anywhere for any center. In the first Phase, “Faculty Module” of Online Registration Portal is launched on 20th December, 2013 for registering as a faculty for ITT/OP/GMCS Course.
Key features in ITT online registration Orientation, GMCS:
Facility for Student: The application will provide facility for the student to -- Register online from anywhere in any open batch.
- Register in waiting list with preferred location, in absence of current batch.
- Make payment online through payment gateway and offline by DD. For offline, DD to be submitted to respective branch who in receipt of the same will confirm batch on auto generated email.
- Check the student detail from CITRIX / VIP software.
- Transfer from allotted batch.
- Submit of feedback online.
- Process the completion certificates online.

- Register online for taking classes.
- Modify his registration form time to time.
- View the result of feedback given by the students.
1. What is Information Technology Training (ITT)?

Centers established at Regional Offices/ branches and Chapters of ICAI all over the country.
Who will conduct the 100 hours IT Training?
The 100 hours ITT is conducted through ITT centers established by the ICAI. A student can join any of the accredited Regional Office/Branch IT Centre for undergoing this training. The details of accredited Regional Office/Branch IT Centers are hosted on the website at it necessary fora student to get registered with the Board of Studies for undergoing 100 hours ITT? No, when a student registers for IPCC with the Institute, automatically he/she is granted registration for ITT. Registration fee for Information Technology Training (ITT) is Rs. 2,000/-.
My revaluation result is shown as "received and under process" what that mean n how much time I have to wait plz help ?;!!
ReplyDeleteWhen will be itt and GMCS session for november bathch of IPCC