Difference between Executive and Non-executive director | IPCC Notes GMCS ITT Time Table Syllabus Amendments RTP Suggested Answers
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Difference between Executive and Non-executive director

Executive Directors:
The directors who are in the employment of the company are called as executive directors or inside directors. A whole time director and a managing director are covered in this category of directors. The inside directors posess in-depth knowledge about the affairs of the company. They takeactive interest in the day to day affairs of the company. They have personal involvement with the company since their remuneration depends on the successful operations of the company.

Non-executive directors:
Directors who are not in the employment of the company are called non executive directors or outside directors or part time directors. This category includes professional directors and nominee directrors. These directors have generally diverse experience and backgrounds. They are appointed not to work full time under a contract of service. They are not intemately connected with the company except through attending the Board meetings.   


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